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Controllable Power

The importance of controllable power is growing. Controllable power is the capacity that is available on demand to balance the electricity grid and ensure that supply and demand remain in equilibrium.

One of the challenges of the energy transition is managing the imbalance that can arise between supply and demand on the grid. Imbalance can lead to network congestion and even blackouts. To prevent this, reserve power is needed that can be quickly deployed to restore balance. Controllable power provides the solution in this context.

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Controllable power can be used for various applications, including peak shaving, aFRR, and FCR. Peak shaving involves using controllable power to reduce peak loads on the grid. aFRR stands for Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve, meaning controllable power is used to stabilize the frequency of the electricity grid. FCR stands for Frequency Containment Reserve, where controllable power is used to keep the frequency of the electricity grid within set limits.

It is important that controllable power is deployed in a smart way to support the energy transition efficiently and effectively. Proper management of controllable power is essential in this regard. With the right management, controllable power can be deployed at the right time and in the right place.

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The importance of controllable power is growing

ManagedGrid has the capability to deliver and manage controllable power. Our software enables the deployment of available capacities to balance the grid. By utilizing our controllable power sources, it is possible to efficiently and effectively support the energy transition and ensure the reliability of the electricity grid.